Science we can build on

Octue helps scientists take full advantage of data, with fewer frustrations. Our building blocks make your data groundwork easier, quicker and more sustainable, setting you free to focus on the science.

Time to build together

Build breakthroughs

Cut the time and energy spent doing data, and increase the time for discovery.

Build business

Maximise the value of data by turning your code into data services, like digital twins.

Build collaboration

Our open source approach makes it easier to collaborate globally and across disciplines for faster progress on shared challenges, like climate change.

Build growth

Accelerate your impact in the renewable energy field with our combination of digital and sector expertise.

Build with Twined sit amet consectetur.

Octue’s open-source Twined framework provides the tools to read-in and output data. With this fundamental set of operations in place, it’s much quicker and easier to access, assess and analyse data, and to create data services, like digital twins. And whatever you build will be shareable and scalable. So others can build on your work.

Take your work further with the Octue platform

Host your newly-created data services on the Octue platform. It’s a simple way for academic institutions and businesses to make their digital twins and apps widely available. Underpinning collaboration and commercialisation.

Here to help sit amet consectetur.

We don’t just build intuitive tools – we deconstruct all sorts of data dilemmas. Need a digital twin strategy? Want to know how to commercialise a data service? Looking for a white-labelled app? We’ve got the technical expertise to deliver. Our background in the renewables sector makes our consultancy particularly popular with engineering consultancies, renewable energy equipment manufacturers and operators, survey companies and academics in the climate science field.


The team turpis non sapien lobortis pretium

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Danny Bailey
CEO & Founder
Alice Bradley
Head of Operations
Ian Brown
Head of Development
Daisy Carter
Sales Director

Our mission sit amet consectetur.

Data was always at the heart of science, even when calculations were completed by hand. Now, computers carry out sophisticated analysis for us at speed. But that considerable power comes at a price. Today, most scientists around the world, in industry and academia, have to code in order to draw conclusions. They’ve become data scientists by default. This was the situation Tom found himself in when he established marine energy consultancy Ocean Array Systems in 2013. Exasperated by the difficulties of reusing data and building tool chains that span organisations, Tom started developing the Octue platform and the open-source Twined framework to make it all easier. Octue was launched in 2017 and recognised as a Gamechanger by the UK Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult for its work on digital twins. Today, we help scientists – and the companies and institutions they work for – get more from data their data, with less frustration.